Recycling is our duty in 2022. Do you know you need to recycle not just plastic but content as well? When you know how to repurpose content, you save lots of time and money by actually reaching more potential clients and traffic. Discover more great ideas inside!
How to repurpose content: save Instagram photos and videos & grow your reach, brand awareness, and income

First of all, you need to know that content repurposing doesn't mean stealing it - you need to rethink it and adapt according to your brand, goals and social network. Now you can find a myriad of clips, memes, images, and articles on the web, but it will not always reach the interested people you want.

If you run an online business, you need content to drive people to a website or social media account and engage with them. But do these people always need content you created from scratch? Is it always necessary to spend hours and lots of green on content creation, or is it better to accumulate media and data that your audience will find attractive?

The best way is to find a golden ratio between creating expert content and reusing it. Nevertheless, numerous bloggers on Instagram only use third-party content and successfully capitalize on it. Read our blog post on how to repurpose content: 3 Instagram fashion influencers who influence without original photos (brilliant examples of content repurposing + takeaways).

You will benefit by decreasing the time you spend on content creation and expanding the reach of materials you create. Keep in mind that when potential clients find authoritative and appealing materials, their brand trust is growing. They will be more inclined to buy from you if they find your content useful. So keep on reading and put these ideas into practice in your digital strategy.

Top ideas for content repurposing


repurpose content

User-generated content is an excellent motivation for cold leads and random visitors to order your goods or try services. It's almost impossible to sell through Instagram without genuine testimonials from past clients, so your aim is to use every opportunity to collect them.

When you set up ad campaigns on Facebook or Instagram, consider adding testimonials and reviews left by your clientele to banners or carousels. Social media users are sensitive to testimonials so that when they see them in ads, there's a high chance they will check on your account.

How you can collect reviews:

  1. Screen-shoot messages people leave in Direct. Further, you can collect all the screenshots in one Highlight section and every new account visitor will be able to read them.
  2. Organize contests under a branded hashtag. The simplest way to engage with past clients and keep all media in one gallery is by inventing a branded hashtag. Many big accounts use this trick and encourage customers to tag them and leave a hashtag. Afterward, they announce cash giveaways for these users so the user-generated feed under a hashtag is always busy. Pick this idea up.
  3. Use clients' images in the feed. Fill your account with user-generated content so other Instagrammers know that you will be glad if they tag you. By the way, being tagged by many accounts will improve your IG SEO and the algorithms will push your content higher in feeds.

Explore more details on this issue in the article How to build trust in your Instagram tribe: the secret power of customer reviews and UGC.


As I mentioned in the beginning, many Instagram accounts and blogs do not take images but attract followers and monetize this content. The reason is that Instagram users like when feature accounts and theme blogs research and gather catchy visuals in a so-called mood board. It's much more convenient to follow one such account than following hundreds of bloggers.

save Instagram photos and videos

So, there's nothing bad if you use someone else's visuals in your account. The only condition is that you have to mention the author in the posts. For the most part, you should follow accounts that post content that might correlate with your brand aesthetics. For example:

  • Influencers
  • Photographers
  • Magazines


Sometimes you don't need to have an individual content plan for each social media platform. Simply adapt visuals from Instagram for other channels where your company aims to connect with customers.

FB group. In your Facebook community, you can use screenshots of reviews, UGC, and reworked media from Instagram.

Website/blog. Don't know what to show on your web page? Use shots and videos you prepare for Insta. Be especially attentive to testimonials and DM screenshots. Such content will help to make a website more trustworthy for cold traffic originating from search engines.

Private chat with clients. Share positive feedback from customers and testimonials with other potential clients. You can create a chat that will potentially grow into a community of clients.


Any Live session, Q&A, or interview consists of text, video, and sound. You can repurpose all the elements independently. For instance, a script you prepared for a video or a transcript can be transformed into a text you may post in a blog.

At the same time, the audio can be reworked into a podcast and a recording of an article. By repurposing content into different formats, you can present it to more potential clients. For example, some of them may better consume texts, while others may have no time for reading but would listen to a podcast while working.


how to repurpose content

Content from Twitter and Facebook can be smartly adapted for an Insta account. For example, quotes and jokes that are highly engaging on Twitter can be screenshotted and used in Stories or in the feed.

Numerous big IG shops redesign screenshots according to their brand identity by making collages. Such posts often become viral on IG, there are even dedicated meme accounts with Twitter jokes.

Also, TikTok is full of videos that IG users will appreciate. Keep an eye on this social network to take away ideas for clips you may replicate for Instagram.

How to save Instagram photos and videos posted by others

When repurposing content, it's vital to save it in original quality - a bad-resolution image or clip can harm your company's reputation. Do not use screen recording or screenshots, even though it seems the simplest method.

When you need to save content from Instagram in high quality, you have to apply an Instagram downloader. This service is a must-have for content managers and influencers who repurpose media. The downloader will keep any file in the quality it was originally posted to Instagram or other social media. On Inflact you will find various ways for saving content posted by other users:

  • Use the Profile Downloader for bulk downloads. With the help of this downloader, you will be able to save an archive with all media files that a user posted for all time. It's a convenient tool when lots of content is needed for repurposing.
  • Download posts or Stories granularly. It's also possible to save an IG video, image, IGTV or story from any public account. Use one of these downloaders if you aim to save content from time to time.
  • Track older Stories and save them automatically. Stories saver is an ultimate tool that allows you to view stories of a public account after they are removed after 24 hours in the app. If you miss a story on Instagram, it will be saved in your Inflact account for 7 days and all the stories will be available for download.
  • Facebook and Twitter Downloaders. You can save FB videos and Twitter videos to reuse them further across other socials. With the help of these online services, you can download clips via just one link. Just copy the URL for a post you want to save and in several seconds this visual will be on your device.

To sum up, when you know how to repurpose content, your business account has more potential to attract users online thanks to well-curated materials. You don't always need much investment into creating expert materials - recycled media, adapted for your account, may result in better engagement. So, experiment with content recycling and analyze what works better for your target audience.