Who on Earth does not love Husky? Show me this person and I will show him this article!
Huskies You Need to Follow on Instagram Right Now
If you are an active user of Instagram, you must have noticed how many husky-accounts are there. Seeing those active, gentle and sociable cuties you just can’t but press “Follow”. The next thing you notice is that you like the 100th husky photo/video in a row. Why so? Why do that huskies gain so much love and recognition and become sometimes more popular than some Instagram models?

Because Huskies are:

  • dynamic fluffy rockets;
  • furious defenders;
  • the best life companions;
  • independent self-assured creatures;
  • dogs of a family;
  • fly-by-night-and-day party animals;
  • singers of hard-hitting croon songs;
  • full of forethought baby-sitters;
  • photogenic as Naomi Campbell.

If you have recently adopted a Husky and still are hesitating whether it can really become an Instagram popstar or not, you can use Inflact to ensure that your little friend will be promoted in a befitting way. Attract new real followers, provide your puppy with true likes, ensure the use of best hashtags for your dog with Inflact Hashtag generator, interact with other Huskies through auto comment and Instagram DM online, capitalize your account.

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And while you are searching for the Husky farm, let’s take a look at best Instagram Huskies you can ever meet in your life!


The account is dedicated to Millie and Rupert’s journey. Huskies and babies, what can touch your hearts deeper than that? 851k followers will say that nothing in this World!

Husky and a baby


A playful boy. A true adherent of a healthy lifestyle, it will definitely eat all the broccoli in da house and a fan of K-pop. One eye is brown, the other blue - don’t say that you haven’t dreamt of meeting such a boy in your life!

Smiling Husky


This Instagram husky has recently celebrated its 3rd birthday. Its life motto: “I didn't choose the fluff life, the fluff life chose me”. It is reasonably suspicious to the strangers and other dogs, but it will enslave your soul with its whole-hearted kiss.

Husky birthday


Lilo and Infinity live in unconditional love with their “parents” and a cat. These Huskies prove that dogs are not just puppies, they are equal members of a family. Being high-minded is natural not only for people. These Huskies are able to show their pure souls just as well as people or even better.

Husky and a cat


Traveling around the world, enjoying life? Climbing mounties, crossing the rivers, hiking and swimming in the ocean...Kuma experiences all the life beauties firsthand. If you want to join it in these journeys, follow Kuma on Instagram!

Husky in the mountains


Not without the sense of humor, the owner of two Huskies shows all the advantages of having a Husky as your friend: getting self-devotion, love, laugh, and warmth.

Two huskies


Look at those eyes, look at that nose, this paw. Aren’t you falling in love with this Norwegian boy? Could you say no to it? By the way, its athletic owner also worth attention.

Cute husky


The dog of rare male beauty. Its main hobbies are sleeping and lying. A proud spirit and unflappable temperament can be seen here with the naked eye.

Sleeping husky in a car


So natural and wonderful. This husky can be seen in the wild primarily. So I want to applaud his owners! That’s what we should call human attitude — taking care of animals that depend on us.

snow-covered husky


It and its owner love traveling and simply enjoying this love. Set off on a journey with Misty! Let this fluffy tail and red fur accompany you wherever you go.

Husky near the waterfall


One Husky is cool, but 5 crazy Siberian Huskies from England are much cooler. Indi, Bella, Sky, Sully, and Scrappy are the vivid example of that statement. Right now they are waiting for your likes and follows!

Five Huskies


Two Huskies boys from Japan, Jinn and Tora dedicated their lives to mountains. These graceful free souls will win your hearts at first sight, I promise.

two huskies in flowers

As you see, Husky is a sporty and enduring dog, it can endure both your hugs and all the photo sessions that you prepare for it. Its gentle soul made a conquest of worldwide love.

Charles Schulz once said: “Happiness is a warm puppy”, can you argue with that? Me, not, I’m deeply convinced that all you need for happy life is a dog, and if it is a Husky, the life will be significantly much happier.

If you want to learn more about Instadogs, read our article “Cute animals: Instagram pets. Part l. Doggy style”